Digital photogrammetry is the fastest method for creating and updating geographical information. It works entirely with digital technologies for collecting digital images of the Earth’s surface. Depending on the target of the project and the size of the object of interest, is made a detailed analysis of existing data and selected parameters and the technical tools for filming. Plan for the flight is prepared, network of reference points is composed. By this network are monitored the flight in real time by means of GPS, and then aerial digital image are attached to the surface.
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an electronic-optical remote technology to determine the distances to objects and surfaces using a focused beam of light. The study of the characteristics of the reflected signals, speed, concentration, chemical composition, color, etc.. Allows for obtaining Digital surface models (DSM), digital terrain model (DIM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
Hyperspectral filming is a method of shoot in which the reflected signal from the ground is connected to the various channels of light. Combining and analyzing different parts of the spectrum of light, allowing for the display type of the ground cover, the composition of the water in the rivers and bodies of water pollution water contamination with various organic and inorganic components and the like. The resulting image using hyperspectral sensor combined with digital imaging and laser aerophotogrametric capture pitch with LiDAR, enables high accurate and objective identification and analysis of environmental elements and characteristics.